Kitten Nursery

Our Kitten Nursery

The Animal Cottage Rescue Center is dedicated to saving the lives of preemie, newborn, and special-needs kittens. We provide 24-hour care, expert medical support, and a loving and enriching environment where kittens can truly thrive during their first two months of life. Once our kittens are healthy and at least 8 weeks of age, they are available for adoption in any area of Lahore, Pakistan.

During the summer feline breeding season, known as kitten season, animal shelters across the world are flooded with homeless and newborn cats. To accommodate this seasonal influx of felines, the Animals Cottage Rescue Center opened a facility dedicated to the care and treatment of newborn kittens.

Animals Cottage Rescue Center is the Pakistan’s first Kitten Nursery that provides special care for felines too young to survive on their own.


Guys, we rescued a beautiful kitten who was left alone in the streets. Nobody cared for this poor little soul. We
had got a call, so we decided to rescue this kitten as soon as we could. He was suffering from some eye infection too. We took
him home and provided all what was needed!!
Click on for more detail

Mr. Honey

a homeless kitten that was abandoned by his mother. He searched for his mother but all in vain. He is newborn and weak enough to find food. Kids are enjoying as it cries for is mother. Nobody dared to feed and help him. Our team came to know about this, and we rescued him as soon as possible. Watch the video, like and share.


A guy had found an abandoned little kitten in street. We rescued the little kitten and now a new life for Loki has begun. It is safe and happy here in a friendly environment with other cats and kittens. Loki is our next black panther! Click on for more detail








Mona & Lisa




Tom & Jerry

Help us fundraise for these speechless souls!