Spay & Neuter

Animals Cottage Rescue Center

advocates for spaying and neutering cats by educating the public, providing facility to spaying and neutering cats and promoting Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR). Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) saves lives. TNR improves the co-existence between outdoor cats and humans in our shared environment. Scientific studies and communities with TNR programs are proof that TNR reduces and stabilizes populations of community cats.

The single most important thing that we can do to save cats and dogs from all the suffering and death that their overpopulation causes is to spay and neuter them. Spaying and neutering are routine, affordable surgeries that can prevent thousands of animals from being born, only to suffer and struggle to survive on the streets, be abused by cruel or neglectful people, or be euthanized in animal shelters for lack of a loving home.

There are also medical and behavioral benefits to spaying (female pets) and neutering (male pets) animals. Neutering a male pet companion prevents testicular cancer and some prostate problems. Spaying a female pet helps prevent uterine infections and breast tumors, which are malignant or cancerous in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats.

Covering upto 20+ cats get TNR facility on Monthly bases with whole procedure from diagnosis, check-up, medicine, operation and post routine circles by expert veterinary doctors.

Show that you have a caring heart! Send us your donations now!